Saturday, June 16, 2018


After DONALD TRUMP Became 45th President of USA,  He Promised to make America great again. His promises Started to look real When in His Tenure Unemployment rate started to fall and GDP growth picked up. But Since last year His few Decision backfires. Which will Not only going to Harm USA Credibility to handle its Allies But at some point of time will also question its LONE SUPERPOWER Status.

1. Recognition of JERUSALEM as Capital Of ISRAEL :-

On December 6 last year, Trump recognised Jerusalem as Israel's capital in a controversial move, prompting international criticism and sparking protests across the world. The matter went to UN and America lost overwhelmingly 128-9 . This was one of the rarest of rare occasion when so many countries including Many NATO members (UK, Germany ) voted against Lone SUPERPOWER of the World. Nevertheless USA went ahead in its Decision, But It was quite Humiliating for it in the World forum.


Since Last Few Months President Donald Trump has opened trade battles with CHINA, CANADA, EU ,INDIA and other countries and the next two months could decide whether the US ends up in a full blown trade war on several different fronts.Well Trade Battle is not new for USA , it has Indulged in it with Russia many times since COLD WAR . It would have been understandable If  TRUMP has gone Behind China due to very high TRADE DEFICIT and GLOBAL RIVARLY . But going Behind its natural ally EU, Neighbor and close ally CANADA and a developing country and regional Ally INDIA are quite amusing and laughable . Because It is reducing USA from MOST POWERFUL ECONOMY to A MIDDLE CLASS BARGAIN AUNTY who Bargains with Street vendors for every single pie. 

TRUMP's  other decision including Probable fall out of USA -IRAN Nuclear Deal and His half backed jokes on world leaders including one when he threatened to send 25 million Mexican to japan, felt like He was trying really hard to convert all USA friends and allies into its Enemies and competitors.These things will not only reduce importance of USA as a Global leader But will also Convert USA From  LONE SUPERPOWER to ALONE SUPERPOWER which will no longer get special treatment as a BIG BROTHER in the World forum .

Why more black people are dying in America ?
Click to read here -

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