Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Are Doctors in Trump's America deliberately letting Black people die ? maybe Fact or Fiction but numbers are very disturbing

Historically racist structures in the United States have set up black Americans to bear the brunt of many crises, from climate change to the novel coronavirus. Early data shows black people are being infected and dying at higher rates than other demographics. A handful of states have released data on the demographics of COVID-19 patients, including race and numbers are very disturbing .

You might have heard about those stories from Italy and spain where doctors have been deciding about the life of patients on vantilatior ,well this might not be the case in America till today but still Far more black people are dying then usual number and their share in population.

Here are some Statistics read it by yourself and decide - 




Chicago, where black people accounted for 72% of deaths from COVID-19 complications and 52% of positive tests, despite making up only 30% of the population.


Michigan has a population of nearly 10 million people, according to 2019 estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau. About 75 percent of the population is white, while 15 percent are black and 5 percent is Hispanic or Latino. Yet African Americans made up 35 percent of coronavirus cases and 40 percent of deaths as of April 3, according to ProPublica.  


Black patients made up 29.4 percent of cases in Illinois, slightly more than the 27.9 percent of white patients. Hispanic patients were the next biggest demographic, accounting for nearly 10 percent of cases. Race was not reported for about 25 percent of cases. In comparison, the U.S. Census Bureau reports that about 61 percent of Illinois' more than 12 million population is white, almost 15 percent is black and 17 percent is Hispanic or Latino. 

 North Carolina has almost 63 percent of an almost 10.5 million population is white, white patients made up 56 percent of cases. Black patients, who make up a little more than 22 percent of the population, accounted for 38 percent of cases while 9 percent were Hispanic, compared to about a 10 percent Hispanic or Latino population in the state. 

Detroit, which is about 80% black, has recorded 5,032 confirmed cases with 196 people dead from complications due to the COVID-19 virus.Coronavirus data specific to black residents was not available from the city, but Detroit and its surrounding suburbs account for about 80% of the state's confirmed cases.

The population of Milwaukee County, Wis., is 26 percent black. But early data shows black patients make up almost half of the county’s 945 cases and 81 percent of its 27 deaths from coronavirus.  



The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has not yet released racial data for coronavirus cases nationwide. In a letter to Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar on March 27, five congressional Democrats urged the federal government to begin collecting and release this information to allow public health officials to begin addressing any inequities.


Experts say the trend is unsurprising given the longstanding barriers to health care for African-American communities in the geographically divided city, higher poverty rates and jobs that require them to keep attending their workplace while others are able to continue their employment from home.


So basically authorities are turning blind eyes about it . President Trump is as usual busy in his own propaganda and trying to save his family business. Anyway he came to power due to hate of White people against non white in United state of America . 

It is now completely depend upon people themselves to control this Pandemic and stop it to affect their communities. #stayathome and #helpeachother



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