Friday, June 15, 2018

Terrorist Leaning KASHMIRI JOURNALIST Shujaat Bukhari Allegedly Killed by Terrorist in KASHMIR

SHUJAAT BUKHARI the editor of Rising Kashmir newspaper, was killed in the attack on THURSDAY in which his two security officers were also killed. He was attacked when he had stepped out of his office in Press Colony in the city to head home.


He was a Islamic Fundamentalist JOURNALIST  who had openly supported (on twitter) attack on famous Cartoonist Charlie hebdo by Islamic Terrorist in 2015. He even asked to boycott a movie and tried to instigate people against it by saying '' its ok to be Intolerant If it is about Prophet mohammad'' (on twitter) in 2012. Do you really think these kind of statement is acceptable for a journalist ? He used to wear his religion in his sleeves . His bias toward certain kind of violent ideology is completely not acceptable for any school of journalism .

His colleagues and friends called him Champion of KASHMIR issue but He Seldomly speaks about Kashmiri Pandit, there assassination by Islamic Terrorist , and there 27 yr old exile . He did try to make a bridge between separatist and govt on certain issue but his closeness with pakistan cann't be ruled out also. His back door meetings with pakistani officials/people from POK  further angers the separatist .His death might bring shock to many Journalist who love to play in the hand of both govt and separatist according to their will and payroll.Even during Burah wani death his statement was more like a terrorist sympathizer then a journalist .

As a vocal advocate of  stone pelters and violent protest supporter His views were similar to Leftist and pakistani Intellectuals who always tries to differentiate between good terrorist and bad terrorist . In the holy month of Ramdan and just before EID His death might be a sad, tragic and unfortunate Incident in Kashmir like many others in the recent past ,But his style of journalism also need to be changed. Journalist , Intellectual and human right champion need to understand that there is nothing human and good about terrorism and there supporters. Its fine till you agree with them but Once you disagree with them they wont leave you . This is sad but true. This is what happened with him also . 

Indian Army and J&K police searching for his killer . which they might found very soon. But his assassination will put some hard question against journalists who are doing his kind of journalism. Will they continue to sympathize for terrorist under the umbrella of Human right ? We will see this in future.

I hope he will rest in peace and may Allah give strength to his family members. He might be missed among fellow JOURNALIST but His style of JOURNALISM will not .



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