This video must be horrifying for you to see and questions asked by Ashok Pandit and other people must be boiling inside you too , if not then Congratulation you are a True human , secular, liberal and tolerant person . If watching people wearing saffron getting lynched by mob make you smile then you are a true epitome of peace . Welcome to the true tolerant India you were craving for after 2014 , Your old Secular India free from Brahminical patriarchy which was lost due to Sanghi getting in power , Yes the same secular India where Lakhs of Kashmiri Pandit lynched , raped and thrown out of their houses and your Best Prime minister Dr Manmohan singh used to gift CD to the person who initiated this " Yasin Malik" .No not joking see this by yourself , the person (Dr Manmohan singh ) who rarely smile is smiling like a fan boy infront of this Islamic terrorist (Yasin Malik ) who was one of the few celebrated person behind the exodus of kashmiri Pandit . And I still get amused by the thought that what the CD really had, His robotic dance moves ? cant say for sure .

And please Don't worry about these mob lyncher (in the Video ) , few of them (110 of them actually ) arrested right now but who knows very soon few of them will be awarded by Best CM of the world Uddhav Thackeray ( my finger just twitch when I write Thackeray after Uddhav and you can easily predict the reason ) .And No award wapsi will happen due to this .
Well the video is from Palgarh, Maharashtra where this horrifying incident took place. Three people, including 2 sadhus, were mercilessly lynched to death on suspicion of theft in Gadchinchale village of Palghar in Mumbai. The trio, including a 70-year-old man, was attacked on Thursday night based on the rumours that they were involved in the abduction of children to harvest organs, including kidneys.
This is the statement from police . Which is more look like a cover up . Because in the video you can clearly see the poor old man clutching the hand of a police officer and the incompetence of that police officer who just handed the so called Child abductee 70 year old man to the hungry mob in platter . The action against those police officer present there is still unknown . You must be thinking how can so many people gathered in one place amid lock down due to coronavirus and how this alleged news spread...Well you might not get the answer .
Now Shahrukh khan will not find India Intolerant , wife of Amir khan will not be afraid and don't want to leave the country (they can't do right now anyway due to coronavirus lockdown...Sad) . Urban mullah like Javed akhtar and Crypto mullah like Anurag kashyap will not tweet or outrage about it since you know the reason . And you will still cheer for them watch their movies and will shout Shahrukhhhhhhh shahrukhhhhhhh , Amirrrrrrrr Amirrrrrrrrr ,Well good for you keep doing that .
You will not see many media house talking about it because the victims are Hindu and more over Saffron wearing Hindu , just reverse the victim name in your mind and you can imagine the outrage , the placard and the constant swearing on Constitution . Few Right wing media channels might pick up the news but you will blame them for doing it for TRPs and then you will read few woke pieces from The print , The wire ,The quint ,BBC and so on and you will finally be convinced that those man deserved to die .
But leave these blame game on others for a moment and think about yourself . You must be horrified after listening about mob lynching but later felt relieved when you find those people were saffron wearing Hindus, aren't you ?
Well Its Okay ,Liberalism and Secularism are safe in India for now. Brahminical patriarchy has been smashed deep into the ground . True value of Secularism in our constitution has been beholded .The India of your dream is here .The India you missed so much .
But congratulations once again for feeling relieved and safe in this Tolerant India . May God Bless you all .
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